
Welcome to Mayuniverse, a warm little world created by me and my family. We have collectively crafted a series of innovative products consisting of various applications, art pieces, and personal perspectives, using every individual’s unique point of view and design ideas.

The name “Mayuniverse” is actually a combination of our two surnames, “Ma” and “Yu”, symbolizing the space we co-create and build together. At the same time, the name can be broken down into “May Universe”, like an endless universe, filled with infinite possibilities.

Our creativity stems from every bit of daily life and is conceived from the need to solve personal problems. Each thinking, each challenge, ignites our spark of innovation, shaping our “Mayuniverse”.

We hope that through our products and perspectives, we can help those who encounter similar problems and are in similar situations, to bring convenience to their lives.

“Mayuniverse” is like a life story shared by me and my family with you all, reflecting the common ideals and pursuits of our family. Welcome to join our journey, and together let’s explore this Mayuniverse filled with love and innovation!